Tips to take care of your Diet in Summer

As the summer is at its peak with rising mercury levels and hot winds, it’s time to wear cool cottons wears, and relax your body with chilled shakes, ice-creams and salads.

In summer, the skin and digestion may turn bad if you become lethargic and sloppy about your diet. Summer increases the chances of dehydration and the frequent changes in blood pressure.

It is mandatory to change your normal diet in summers and move to enzymes, vitamins, antioxidants and fibers. You can even consult a dietician, who will make a proper summer diet plan for you.

It is important to take care of your diet in summer because the capacity of ingestion becomes less as compared to other seasons. You should add fresh juices, seasonal fruits, cereals, green salad, sprouts and water in your daily diet to keep yourself protected from the sensational heat of summer. You should try to avoid such foods that increase your dehydration and weight.

In summers, drinking excess of tea, alcohol, coffee and other caffeinated drinks should be avoided. Hot drinks also increase the risks of dehydration. Drinking ample of water and fresh liquid regularly is beneficial. It will protect you from dehydration during the summer heat.

Try to keep a glucose bottle always with you. It will help you to get energy from the unbearable heat of sun. Intake of seasonal fruits like watermelon, mangoes, grapes etc are also keeps your body temperature cool and refresh.

Let us take a quick review of proper diet plan in summers:

  • Start your day with two glasses of water, followed by a cup of tea. For breakfast, Cornflakes with unsweetened soya milk and fruit juice is quite energetic.
  • At mid-morning, take fresh lime juice or tender coconut water that makes you fresh and active.
  • At noon, take Brown rice, vegetable curry, curd, greens salad with a glass of lassi and chill water.
  • For a vigorous evening, intake fruit juice instead of tea or coffee For dinner, green vegetable soup, whole wheat bread, lean sandwich, fruit and nut salad will definitely works well.

By following a proper diet schedule, you can make summer a fun and healthy experience for you.